Our educational programs are specific to the lives backstretch workers lead at the racetrack as well as a foundation for them to understand education as part of the promise of life in the United States.

The Groom Development Program

Our ten-week program in horsemanship includes hands on training in topics including horse safety, anatomy and confirmation, horse health, bandaging and tacking, horse behavior, and the groom’s daily routine. It is open to all backstretch workers and taught by top veterinarians, trainers, and other specialists. The classes are bi-lingual and students receive quizzes and a final exam. A graduation ceremony takes place at the conclusion.

English as a Second Language and Spanish Literacy

We offer a year-round program that includes three levels of English specifically designed for the population we serve. We emphasize pronunciation in order to afford students more self-confidence in real life situations. We also offer horseman’s English which emphasizes terms and phrases relevant to the workplace at the track. Many of our students do not have literacy in their native tongue of Spanish and our literacy classes in their own language make them better equipped to learn English.

Language Lab and Communication Center

This facility at the track is open every evening for computer classes and general computer use. We have 25 laptops and students are able to communicate with family and friends as well as practice English. In addition, citizenship classes are offered.


In partnership with The Backstretch Employee Service Team - the health services at Belmont racetrack - we provide a non-alcoholic bistro where entertainment and specialty classes are offered every weekend. Attendees are able to participate in a long-term study on the effects of meditation on chronic pain supervised by a local hospital.

Carlos Slim Initiatives

With the support of the Carlos Slim Foundation we offer classes that provide workers the opportunity to obtain their primary and secondary education from their native country regardless of previous educational experience. And in partnership with the Mexican Consulate the foundation offers an online platform that offers essential information on immigrant rights, employment training in other fields, and psychological services.